Keyfinding - 2 Decent Working Hours



Nearly two-third of the countries in the Index have less than 48 general working hours per week, with the majority (around 64%) of countries following 40 working hours per week Other than Belgium, Cyprus, France and the Netherlands, Australia and Chad also have less than 40 working hours per week. Most of the countries in Asia have 48 working hours per week, while in Europe the most common working hours per week are 40. African countries are evenly distributed in all ranges, except the lower (Chad) and higher end (Kenya).

Table 17: General Weekly Working Hours
Region < 40 hours 40 hours 41-47 hours 48 hours  49 hours Total Countries 
Africa 1 11 11 10 1 34
Americas - 2 4 9 - 15
Asia  - 7 6 17 - 30
Europe 4 28 - 2 - 34
Oceania 1 1 - - - 2
Total Countries 6 49 21 38 1 115


More than 40% of the countries have maximum weekly working hours, inclusive of overtime hours, in excess of 56 hours per week. More than half of the countries in Africa and Asia have more than 56 hours per week. Twelve of the 15 countries in the Americas have maximum working hours which are above 56 hours per week. The exceptions are Brazil (less than 48 hours), Canada (48 hours) and Argentina (49-56 hours). An overwhelming majority of European countries (32 of 34) have maximum working hours of 48 or less per week. Countries in Oceania, Australia and New Zealand have no provision on maximum weekly working hours.

Table 18: Maximum Weekly Working Hours
Region < 48 hours 48 hours 49-56 hours ≥ 57 hours No Provision Total Countries 
Africa 3 5 8 10 8 34
Americas 1 1 1 9 3 15
Asia  2 2 9 15 2 30
Europe 9 23 2 - - 34
Oceania - - - - 2 2
Total Countries 15 31 20 34 15 115


More than 70% of the countries provide 24 hours of weekly rest. Sixteen countries each provide for 25-36 hours of weekly rest and more than 37 hours of weekly rest. Most (24 of 30) Asian countries provide 24 hours of weekly rest. Similarly, 14 of the 15 countries in the Americas provide for 24 hours of weekly rest. In Europe, countries are equally distributed in all three ranges. Albania, Mozambique, New Zealand and Singapore provide for a weekly rest, however unpaid. 

Table 19: Paid Weekly Rest Hours
Region 24 hours 25-36 hours 37 hours Total Countries
Africa 30 2 2 34
Americas 14 1 - 15
Asia  24 3 3 30
Europe 13 10 11 34
Oceania 2 - - 2
Total Countries 83 16 16 115


Most countries provide for 11-15 days of annual public holidays. There are nine countries which require 16 or more public holidays per year. Japan, Myanmar, the Netherlands, US and the UK do not require paid public holidays.

Table 20: Paid Public Holidays
Region <10 days 10 days 11-15 days ≥16 days Total Countries
Africa 5 3 24 2 34
Americas 4 - 10 1 15
Asia  5 1 18 6 30
Europe 2 3 29 - 34
Oceania - - 2 - 2
Total Countries 16 7 83 9 115


Nearly 50% of the countries in the Americas have less than three working weeks of annual leave. The USA is the only exception in the 115 countries which has no statutory provision on annual leave. All European countries have annual leave of more than three working weeks. In Asia, while 13 countries have more than three working weeks of annual leave, a similar number has less than three working weeks of annual leave. Around 75% of the countries in the Index have three or more weeks of annual leave. The United States is the only country with no statutory provision on annual leave.

Table 21: Annual Leave
Region <3 working weeks 3 working weeks >3 working weeks No Provision Total Countries 
Africa 6 4 24 - 34
Americas 7 4 3 1 15
Asia  13 4 13 - 30
Europe - - 34 - 34
Oceania - - 2 - 2
Total Countries 26 12 76 1 115

